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Dice King Chess
Dice King Chess

Dice King Chess is a game of chess but you are using dice as your army each move is determined by the number of pips showing on the top of the die, and just like the chess you are accustomed to, taking the king wins the game.

This Dice King Chess game board is made of Cherry hard wood. One King is made of Cherry and one is made from Black Walnur hardwood.
The set comes with all of the pieces needed complete with instructions.

Included are with your game:
The game board 8 ½ X 6 1/2 X 3/4 inches
6 white dice, 6 black dice, and 2 kings


Dice King Chess is an strategy game that combines dice with Chess.
The game is played on a 7 by 7 square board, with dice instead of pawns, and the King.
A player may move one of their dice pieces according to the number showing on the top face of the die.
As the player moves the die, it is tipped in the direction of the move. For example one space left, the die tips one leftward - move one space forward, the die tips one forward. The die shows 3 it can be tipped forward, left or right and any combination of forward, left or right (not backward).
The number showing is changed as the die moves at the end of the movement, the new number dictates the number of tips for the next move.
Plan your moves to capture you opponent’s dice or King by landing on them.

The first player to capture their opponent’s King wins the game

Version 5.3
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