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Quoridor Game "SOLD"
Quoridor Game Board
Quoridor Game Board

This Quoridor Game is a stratigy game for two to four players.
In this game your goal is to move your pawn to the opposit side of the board "the first one accross wins". The catch is that your opponant is placing walls in your path making your path longer and longer.

Great fun for 2 players but when you play with four it becomes crazy fun.
This Quoridor game is made of clear pine, walls are paduc.
Measures 12 inches X 12 Inches
Instructions included


The abstract strategy game Quoridor is surprisingly deep for its simple rules. The object of the game is to advance your pawn to the opposite edge of the board. On your turn you may either move your pawn or place a wall. You may hinder your opponent with wall placement, but not completely block them off. Meanwhile, they are trying to do the same to you. The first pawn to reach the opposite side wins.

History. Quoridor is based on an earlier game, namely Blockade (also known as Cul-de-sac), invented by Philip Slater in 1975. Mirko Marchesi, a well-known famous board game designer, created another version of this game, called Pinko Pallino, which was published in 1995 by Epta games.


Version 5.3
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